I have to confess... Fall is one of my favorite times of year! Nothing is more beautiful to me than that brilliant blue October sky framing a kaleidoscope of colorful fall leaves...
We've had a fun October thus far. Our kids came up one weekend, and we went to a pumpkin patch and let Anastasia (almost 3) pick her own small pumpkin. She loved it! Ainsley was too little to get in on the action, but she did appear to be fascinated with the big orange ball! !
Our house is surrounded by large mature trees that put on quite a show this time of year. I really enjoy being in the midst of my own mini-forest... at least until I have to start raking. :(
I always buy mums and pumpkins to sit by the entrance to our house... no one uses the front door, so this is the side of my house.
I am glad I live in a part of the country that has four distinct seasons. Although I might fantasize about living on a tropical island, I think I'd get bored if the weather was the same every day.
This past weekend we went hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains. They had some terrible wind damage about a week ago. Some locations in the park had wind gusts up to 100 miles an hour! Lots of damage that will take some time to repair. The leaves were lovely where we were yesterday, but we counted at least 8 or 9 trees down across the trail... some quite large. Anastasia thought it was quite an adventure to find a way through the branches! She also had fun exploring the log cabin at the end of our hike.
So how about you guys? What do you enjoy about fall?
Janice M.
The thing I like the best about fall is the changing of the leaves on the trees to all the different colors, it is really beautiful. The evenings are cool enough for sleeping and the days are warm enough that you can wear a sweater...the downside is the raking of the leaves and the knowledge that winter is around the corner.
I love fall, the colors make you feel so alive and happy. I use to love to rake leaves, but as I get older, I always send out my kids to do the raking.
Beautiful pictures. It looks like such a relaxing, peaceful place to be.
I love fall leaves. They are so pretty.
i do like the leaves and it's color and the hoildays are coming.
I love the fall colors. And hot apple cider. Bonfires. Staying warm - that's my fall theme.
Oh by far the beautiful colors of fall. Eddie and I sat on the deck this weekend and were talking about the trees in our yard and across the cove. Fall means cooler weather, football games, state fairs, and knowing Christmas is right around the corner!
I love digging out my sweaters and sweatshirts. We have a fire pit in the back yard and the kids love a bonfire.... we roast marshmallows and chat or sometimes listen to music.
I also love the fall colors... so vibrant and of course the smell of pine and leaves.
The colors are so beautiful and I never notice it as much when it's happening as I do when I look at pictures.
I love the foliage, bonfires,hot cider mixed with white wine that has been heated over a campfire, strolling through the forest in my backyard, pumpkin carving in October, mums in my garden and plant buckets that reside on each side of my walkway, jumping in the leaves we've raked before we burn them in our fire pit. Have to say fall and spring are my two most favorite seasons, fall being the best of the two!
Seems I forgot to mention I love hayrides in the fall as well..hahaha!
Oh, you guys are making me nostalgic for all the things that are wonderful about this season.
I'm ready to drink cider, sit by the fire, and watch the leaves fall!!
I love the changing leaves. Hope they stay up a bit longer this year. (right now its COLD out)
I love the fall craft shows, can pick up diff and unique gift ideas.
Janice, those are such beautiful pictures. San Francisco's trees don't turn those vibrant colors in the fall, but looking at your photos, it makes me wish they did.
P.S. Your granddaughters are so adorable. That picture of Ainsley and the pumpkin is precious.
Diana - I've only been to San Francisco once, but I loved it! The weather was perfect...
The trees seem unusually brilliant this year, or maybe I jst forget from one October to the next. :)
I actually like the weather here because it rarely is too cold or hot, although the last few days have been unusually warm/hot. I can't wait until summer of 2008 when the RWA conference is in SF.
Great pictures, Janice! Looks like a fun weekend. I love the fall too.
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