Okay, I think I’m taking this desperate housewives thing a little too far...I’m redecorating, running up and down the subdivision in my bathrobe and calling my husband Carlos...least I haven’t locked him in the basement.
Just kidding except for the redecorating part and that Dave isn’t chained up next to the hot water heater.
But Bree would be please, I finally ditched my old blue/orange/gray sofa that got ballies. People take less time buying a house then we did picking out this sofa. Dave and I sat in everything with a cushion at Lazy-Boy, then called in our four kids and had them do the same. Took two days and four salesmen. We finally settled on a putty-colored microfiber because the gals on the vampsandscamps loop said that stuff was the best! Thanks, ladies!
I also finished up my part of the anthology, Texas Bad Boys, with Rosemary Laurey and Karen Kelly. You all are going to really like this one! Lots of steam and all the stories are linked together with a mystery and united sisters and three really hot guys.
Some editors are looking for World War II stories. Do you think this is the next thing out there like vampires and paranormal are now?
If you don’t think it is WWII stories, what do you think is the next thing coming?
I’m doing a book signing in Lexington on Saturday with Shi and LuAnn and Toni and about fifteen other authors. It would be great to see some of you at the B&N in Hamburg Pavilion.
Everyone have a good week! Let me know if you’ve become a dh like me?
Hugs, Dianne Castell
Did you see the trailer for next week? The crazy dude in the basement gets out.
Yeah, I did see the trailer! I wonder what this is all about.
Mike-the-plumber was not on very much! :-(
We need more Mike!
uh... WWII stories??? I'm in trouble.
And Dianne, honey, please tell me you're not running around the streets of suburban Ohio in a ratty bathrobe... ;p
>>>please tell me you're not running around the streets of suburban Ohio in a ratty bathrobe
If I looked like Terri Hatcher I sure would. :-)
I think Dianne would look good in a bathrobe on DH. She could be Edie's older sister. Sit Dianne on a couch with a romance book and she can be the observer for all the comings and goings on Desperate Housewives!
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