Hope everyone is having a good Monday. It's so muggy here, hardly worth going outside when you can sweat standing still!
I'm keeping Anastasia and Ainsley (3 1/2 and 1 1/2) for a few days so mom and dad can get away for an anniversary trip. We've already trashed the house - toys everywhere, but we're having fun!! :) DH headed off to work, but he'll get to roll on the floor with them when he gets home this evening.
A and A just went down for a nap, so I'll try to get a few things accomplished. I e-mailed my July '08 book to my agent. Feels good to have it done - all but the final polish.
Thanks to all of you who have bought Improper Etiquette! Since RT's reviewer didn't get the review turned in on time, and since NAL didn't do ARC's, I feel like the book has been orphaned. But I do appreciate all of you die hard readers!!
We have a family reunion in Chattanooga coming up this weekend. Hope it cools down by then, but I'm not counting on it.
Oh, and by the way, we tried to get a pool for the girls this past weekend - one of those hard plastic ones - but everyone has already started clearancing summer stuff and we came up empty handed. Got to make room for those blow-up snowmen and Santas, I guess - sheesh!
Don't forget to check out the contest tab on my website... I'm giving away a tote bag from the June Get-Together. www.janicemaynard.com.
And if you have MySpace, please come friend me... www.myspace.com/janicemaynard.
I feel like being generous, so I'll draw a name from today's posters and give away a pair of Karen Kelley's cool "alien" earrings. They are really fun.
Talk to you soon,
Janice Maynard
Boy oh boy! They shoo out the summer stuff way too soon anymore & I swear Christmas starts earlier & earlier every year - LOL!
Hi Janice,
Finally got my copy of Improper Etiquette from Amazon in today's mail. As soon as I finish the new Nora book, I will be starting IE.
I am one of those bad jump-the-gun on Christmas people. DH and I went to the Hallmark ornament premiere this weekend, and bought a couple of things for our collections.
Have fun with A and A. They are great ages!
To bad you couldn't get the pool. They would have fun. I really enjoyed IE. Have fun with the girls.
Hi Janice, I picked up IE this weekend and hope to start it soon. Reading time has been scarce since the June event, and I know once I start IE, I won't want to put it down. By the way, I have the alien earrings already, so don't include me in the drawing. Have a great week with A and A.
IE is still on its way. Can't wait to get started on it! Friended you on MySpace, I'm trying to fill it with all my fav authors. :) Have a great time with the little ones!
Jen :)
Wow! I can't believe how fast they get rid of the summer stuff. That is ridiculous.
I saw back to school stuff today and it just seemed to soon. I know its not but it just seemed like Summer just started.
I loved IE. When I get my act together I will get a review done.
Hope you have fun at the family reunion, Janice! I really wish the summer stuff wouldn't be on clearance during the summer (and sometimes before summer even starts). I really can't stand clothes shopping, so I put it off until I get too hot and by then the clothes in the store are already fall/winter. It's nuts!
And I sent a request to add you to my MySpace:)
Oh, man - it's great to hear from you wonderful women today! I'm remembering what it's like to speak to babies all day long and crave adult company! Ha!
Seriously, Charlie just took the girls for a short walk in the double stroller and I sat down at the computer to feel like a grown up again! It is lovely to see all your notes!
And tons of hugs to those of you who bought/ordered IE. You're the best!
I'll draw for the earrings in the morning to give more people a shot.
Hope I can chat a bit tomorrow, but dh will be on the road all day and I will have no helping hand. He won't get home until they are safely asleep.
Really, they were so cute and fun today, but somehow I didn't manage to coordinate naps. Which meant that Nana didn't get a nap either!! Maybe I can get that in sync tomorrow. :)
Hugs to you all,
I thought K-mart sold those things year round. I guess not in the States.
A couple of laundry buckets and some plastic containers are just as fun for getting wet *g*
A & A :D I love it - my children ended up with the collective name 'A Team' as all 5 had names beginning with A too :)
By the way I used a baby bath and lots and lots of plastic bowls with water for my lot - no room to do anything but paddle, still they seemed to have fun anyway - especially throwing bowls of water at each other. LOL
It's pretty sad when you summer is still here and they start putting winter stuff out.
hope you have fun at the family reunion janice and wave at me as come into town lol. I am leaving on vacation next weekend yippee.
I just befriend you at MySpace!
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