Howdy all!
We have an interview with author Kate Angell. Her newest release, Squeeze Play, is out this month. She's a terrific writer and a wonderful person and she's my and Shi's agent! We are so very lucky to have her in our lives.
Jennifer - If Squeeze Play was made into a movie, I'd love to see Matthew Fox from LOST play center fielder Risk Kincaid and Heather Locklear play coffee shop owner, Jacy Grayson. They are a bit older than my characters. Yet have 'the look' that I'd imagined when creating the two. If I was to date a Richmond Rogue, it would be Cody 'Psycho' McMillan, coming up in my next book Curveball. He's wild, fun. and daring. A true bad boy.
Stacy - Twenty years ago, I tried my hand at writing for New York. It took me that many years to get published. In the early stages of writing, I tried category, romantic suspense, historicals, futuristics, but nothing sold. I then played with romantic comedy, and Calder's Rose was released in 2002. I doubt I'll ever write anything dark or edgy. I love a lighter tone to a story, a book that makes a reader smile or laugh.
Writers shouldn't write for trends. It's a waste of time and energy. By the time a writer would finish a book, the trend could be long gone. I believe an author should write the book of her heart...and make it marketable. You can write a tried-and-true plot, yet give it your own unique twist. Push the envelope. I read a lot of erotica. I love sexy stories.
I've been an agent for twelve years. I was an aspiring author long before that. I knew many of the authors I presently represent today when we were all trying to get a New York contract. I believe I'm good at what I do simply because I'm very empathetic. Being an author as well as an agent, I oftentimes feel worse than my writer when she gets a decline from an editor. I take each rejection very personally. What frustrates me a bit when reading submissions, is coming across a promising story line, yet the writing has no punch. Lots of passive verbs. It reads like vanilla ice cream and I'd like to add some sprinkles.
I love baseball, and follow both the Chicago Cubs and New York Yankees.
Emma - If I could write a cameo-role for myself in one of my books, I'd own a sports bar where the athletes hung out after a game and in-between road trips. A place with class, yet casual enough to relax. This cameo role could run through all the books. Most definitely I'd have a love interest!
Judy - I designed the cover for Squeeze Play. It was very visual to me from the onset of the book. I had a friend who does graphic design put it together for me, and Dorchester thought it worked perfectly. Baseball is my favorite sport. I took a chance in proposing the trilogy to Alicia Condon, my editor. At this time, I don't think there's another author writing about the Boys of Summer. I wanted to break in with something new.
1.) Of your books that you have published, which is your favorite and why? Every book I've written sticks with me after I've typed 'The End'. It takes me eight to nine months to produce a book. That's a long time to be at the same setting and live with the same characters. I tend to bond with my books. Squeeze Play was truly fun to write. I love summer, baseball, and romance. Risk Kincaid was a very Alpha hero. I took the Most Valuable Player of the World Series and returned him to his hometown of Frostproof, Florida. The most important person in his life was coffee shop owner, Jacy Grayson. I went with the contrast of the major league player and the small town girl. They had a history, and by the end of the book, a future together as well.
Dianne - I'm single and have an animal house. Twelve dogs and six cats. I live on three acres, fenced in, so the dogs have lots of room to run. All the dogs came to me abandoned or abused. I couldn't turn them away. A female cat wandered in my driveway years ago, skinny and starving. I took her in. Two months later she had five kittens. All stayed. I live in a stilt house, so the dogs live upstairs, and the cats also live inside, within the latticework lower level. Between treats, toys, and doggy beds, my pet food grocery bill is probably as high as a household with eight growing boys! We're a very happy family.
If you've read Squeeze Play, go to my website - www.kateangell.com - and enter the contest to win a Barnes and Noble gift certificate.
Thanks, Kate Angell!
Great interview! Thanks so much for answering our questions!
So good to have you here, thank you for answering all our questions.
can;t wait for erin mccarthy
love her books
Thanks for spending some time with us. Can't wait to read your book
Wow, great answers! Thanx Kate! I got your book and was able to start it - love Risk's homecoming ;)
Thanks for answering the questions for us. As an animal lover, I always like to hear about others rescuing animals. You seem to have a big heart to take in that many animals!!
Robert's the best. Not only a terrific agent and author but a wonderful person. It's an honor to know her.
Hi Kate, just call me Jenny. Thanks for answering my question. Cody 'Psycho' McMillan sounds most intriguing, can't wait to read his story!
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