You know how Martha Stewart always talks about "a good thing"? Well, today I decided to blog about two very good but unrelated things!
The first is that on Thursday I saw in my backyard the first crocus of spring - cheerful yellow, and sturdy enough to endure the cold days that are sure to follow! Yeah!! That means the rest of the flowers won't be far behind. In fact, when I was in Knoxville on Friday at my daughter's house, she actually had lots of daffodils in bloom. Ours are "up" but it will be awhile yet before we have any blossoms.
Still, it's hopeful to know that warm spring breezes are in the near future!
And now for my second good thing... when we were in DC last week, we had time to sneak in a trip to the old Patent Building... it now houses the Portrait Gallery and the Museum of American Art. These are not on the mall with most of the other Smithsonian Museums, so you have to go a bit out of your way, but they are definitely worth it! We spent a couple of hours there and loved every minute of it.
I took some photos of my favorites, but this one picture caught my interest in a special way. It reminds me of how much we all love to read. Moms and Dads reading to their children is one of the best ways to ensure future success in school and to create a lifelong love of books. My dh and I loved to read to our girls as they were growing up...
In addition to my parents reading to me, I had a great aunt who would take me to the Bookmobile and who would also buy me books and let me read books off of her shelves. (Not all of which were appropriate!!) But I grew up absolutely adoring books and reading, and I can't imagine my life without either.
So, this painting is a nice reminder of one of life's simple but most profound joys...
Tell me ladies - were you reading at an early age, or like some people - did you become a pleasure reader later in life?
Tell us your story. :)
Janice Maynard
(off to read a good book...)